#lady bee redesign
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maddascanbe-blog · 7 months ago
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Part 1 of the unifications.
Hey remember when I said I was planning to change some of the names when they were truly egregious? This is what I meant.
So we have (from left to right) Dragonfly, Viper Noir, Shadow Moth (they still call him Hawkmoth), and Ladybee.
Dragon-bug was a stupid name, I know they were saving Lady Dragon for Shanghai but that doesn't mean we give up all together guys. Dragonfly just makes more sense.
I know I'm not the first to say that the Ladybug Dragon unification was great. It's actually one of my favorites. It showed off how good the Ladybug, and by extension Marinette, could look if the artist put a tad more effort into her suit. I definitely deviated pretty far here, push the dragon elements, like giving her two horns. The big ones on the side of her head and the little ones that attach to her antennae. The boots, and tail elements which were super fun to draw. And finally drawing Mari with her hair down because it looked cool.
Viper Noir just to add a bit more spice to Snake Noir's name. I almost called him Black Mamba but wasn't entirely sold. So that's that. I didn't give Aspik or Viperion a hood because I was saving it for this, much more Chat's style than Aspik was. The cat ears on the hood were a pain to make look right but turned out cute. And now they both have gold accent's! look how matchy they are.
I am forever on the fence about if I like Shadow Moth's design but I can't really begrudge the name? It's alright- it certainly feels very Gabriel, a man who has a track record of bad naming skills. I figure most still call him Hawkmoth though. I actually designed both Shadow Moth and Hawkmoth at the same time, so the plan was to always add Peacok feathers to the head and the double tailcoat. I almost based him on an actual peacock butterfly but changed my mind.
Just know that the additional feathers are just as painful as the butterfly wings. And now there is more! Hooray! Hawkmoth suffers!
And Lady Bee, this one felt easier than I expected because I already had Honey Bee. I might go back and fix her eyes though, they’re a bit uncanny rn.
Blue Dragonfly to go with Ry-blu-ko
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kari-go · 2 years ago
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I really like Dragon Bug but Lady Bee looks kinda messy, there’s too much going on... But that’s an issue I have while drawing. I always have a problem with colors.
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zoe-oneesama · 7 months ago
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And the Day Was Saved thanks to Wanton Destruction.
Epilogue - Reflekdoll Part 4 First < Previous > Next Season 1, Season 2, Season 3, Season 4, Season 5 Ep 41, Ep 42, Ep 43, Ep 44 Ep 45, Ep 46, Ep 47, Ep 48, Intermission, Ep 49, Ep 50, Ep 51, Ep 52, Ep 53
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I originally drew this version YEARS ago in a really chibi style. Idk if everything translates well to Miraculous Ladybug's Praying Mantis Legged character style.
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Idk why ML is allergic to leotards but I'm BRINGING THEM BACK!
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I think I just really like drawing leggings. Anyway, really glad I went out of my way to draw up three whole model sheets for designs that are only on one page.
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cornerverse · 1 year ago
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And with that, we officially have the entire Main Five team of the Lady Luck AU! Adrichat is the only one of them completely unchanged from the main universe but he's here!
Also, because I can and since I did it on the last team photo, have everyone's heights in my AU:
Chloé - 172 cm/5'8"
Adrien - 181 cm/5'11"
Mari - 163 cm/5'4"
Sabrina - 168cm/5'6"
Mylene - 152cm/5'
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p0rk-guts · 3 months ago
Queen Bee redesign I never posted
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Took some inspiration from flies, honeypot ants, bees, wolves, and mangalica pigs
She's the embodiment of "what if all of Queen Bee's shady suspicious energy in episode 8 was actually cashed in on and she was evil all along". She pretends to be this fun-loving party girl who just wants everyone to have a good time, but in reality all the food, drinks, and drugs at her parties are laced with some gluttony magic concoction that dulls all negative emotions and simulates pleasure. Bee not only "tastes the flavor of people at her parties", but actively feeds off of their positive feelings to sustain her. She manipulates people into overindulging on their vices
As for why I made the Queen of gluttony a fat pig lady? Well I love fat pig ladies and she's fine as hell. Also atp everyone's drawn her as a bee girl
More design process stuff ⬇️
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celestiall0tus · 11 months ago
Juleka Appreciation Post
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We all love our darling shy, goth girl, Juleka. I present the different AU Julekas we, the fans, have created (plus the canon one). The Julekas we have are:
1 - @ladyadalicialove - Salem (Black Cat!Juleka)
2 - @sorcerymuses - Beach Mheala (Bee!Juleka)
3- @justanotherpersonsuniverse - Panthera Noire (Black Cat!Juleka) - Panthera Noire AU
4 - @sassyduckqueen - Culpeo (Fox!Juleka) Rise of Anatis AU
5 - @zoe-oneesama - Purple Tigress Redesign - Scarlet Lady AU
6 - @adventuremaker21 - Violet Tiger - Protectors AU
7 - @bigfatbreak - Thalamos
8 - Canon - Purple Tigress
9 - Mine - Juleka - Scions AU
10 - @taldigi Precanon/Ladybug classic Bat!Juleka (I think Akouma, but plesae correct me if I'm wrong) Fashion Club AU
Thank you to the anons who suggested most these Julekas and for @authorambermkestner for picking which of my AU Julekas to use.
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sillygoofylittleartist · 1 year ago
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Rooster bold redesign. I have conflicting feelings about the canon design because it has a lot of really clever details that fit the rooster motif but it also looks goofy to me. I feel like it would look better in a 2D art style but idk. I think the boots are amazing so I definitely kept those with no changes. I personally think the rooster miraculous is the most powerful versatile one. Like the only limits are your own creativity I don’t know how any villain is going to feel like an actual threat when lady bug has the rooster, bee, and ox miraculous on her side so that will be interesting to see.
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fabseg-creator · 11 months ago
Miraculous fanart: Beautifly (Butterfly Marinette)
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Do you remember Ladyfly (Ladybug + Butterfly unification) ? I introduce you Marinette but with the Butterfly Miraculous only. In this form, she names herself Beautifly (I've thought about this identity).
Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Cat Noir belongs to ZagToon.
Other Marinette fanarts:
Other Butterfly holders:
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princess-of-the-corner · 4 months ago
Slightly more optimistic/light hearted spin on "Chloe thinks Maribug fucked her over" but Chloe steals the Miracle box and decides her ultimate revenge will be becoming a more iconic hero than ladybug.
"By the time I'm done, Paris will be all, Lady who?"
Of course she didn't know to steal the spellbook so she can't use unification and she only knows the names of (Being generous) Sass, Pollen, Kaalki, Trixx and depending on if its canon or rebuilt Kwami lore, the monkey or tigers names. & that assumes they were all present when she nabbed it.
On the Kwami's end the main reason they don't instantly peace out is Chloe's relatively mundane goals. IE be a better hero, and the fact at least some of them view this crisis as an opportunity.
Sass: As much respect as I have for Ladybug & Chat Noir's work, this war to reclaim Noroo has been treading water too long, maybe its time we added some new weapons to the war chest.
Trixx: I wonder how much effort it'd take to convince these kids to be genuinely heroic?
Monkey/Tiger: HAVOC!
Long story short, Chloe needs to make herself a team, or a gang, she's not sure which.
Sabrina's an obvious choice but who else does she know?
... There's Felix- Nope, no, too unreliable.
Who's the red headed chick that hates Marinette? Rosli something?
Anyway Lila gets the fox but has to re-dub herself Volpin-X, the darker, edgier version of Volpina!
If its monkey then Sabrina gets it cos she has a good throwing arm and the staff means she can avoid CQC. Otherwise she's a worker bee or getting dragged around by the ear by Kaalki.
Chloe likely prioritizes snake for the second chance theming and leadership style power. If Tiger is in play she also keeps that for raw destructive might, but if not, she keeps Kaalki for quick get-aways.
I figure even if Pollen is present Chloe wouldn't use her, because Queen Bee was hers, Chloe's, and redesigning that to obscure her ID feels... Wrong, and she may feel bad about ignoring Pollen regarding HK ad not want to make things weird.
But yeah, broad kind of chaotic spin, but thought you might find it amusing and more in line tonally with your preferences.
GOD I need to swing back and revamp forged
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crucian-tador-hb · 16 days ago
I LOVE beelzebub, belphegor and leviathan redesigns!!! And i tell you why:
i like how beelzebub is like a really old lady but acts like a young party girl, and her bug design and mandibles
Belphegor is like a giant melting candle and i really enjoy it!! I like how chubby she is too, im sure she gives the best cuddles/hugs of all hell, IF she dont try to melt your skin with hot wax or turn you into a live wax statue
And leviathan MY GOD LEVIATHAN!!! You have no idea how my i LOVE monstrous designs. One of my beefs with Vivs is that the girls designs are just normal woman, she didn't try to elevate the design, you know?? WE NEED MORE MONSTROUS LADIES
Thank you for listening, take these hearts for you!! 😊🤲❤🧡💛💚💙💜🤎🖤🤍
1. omg thank youuuu, I'm always worried about whether they fit the style of the show or not, but people don't seem to mind
im still working for design for Belf and Levi
2. Bee is wiiildddd
I think my design looks more like a hornet than a bee, but I think that's also the highlight
I really believe that every sin has its own habits that can scare you a bit
3. oh no, don't worry, she wouldn't hurt you, she's very sweet and calm
I really wanted to convey vibe's gentle, calm, soft and marshmallows
plus, I really wanted to have thicc shapes among the girls
she's a bit like a sweet-gothic lolita u know
4. THANK YOU, Levi is so slay, I adore her two heads
I'm wondering if they have different names
5. tbh, I sometimes forget what the original designs look like until I see them again
and that makes me so sad, because you just SEE how the creators didn't care
they can do really cool things and designs, but...
6. ♥️♥️♥️
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enteringdullsville · 2 years ago
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Crimson Rhooba, the Crimson Drewman
Be Ruthless
Rank: A- (Major Character)
Character Bases
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The Lady in Red
Crimson is cunning, cold, and above all, ambitious. She doesn’t suffer fools lightly. Her goals happen to overlap with the ICT crew, so yeah. She signed up. That doesn’t mean she has to like any of the schmucks working there.
Crimson is very conscious of the way she acts. Every gesture and expression exudes power and confidence. On the rare chance someone happens to catch her in a good mood, she’ll play it off. To everyone, Crimson is elegant and sophisticated.
Except her compulsive need to do the “noblewoman’s laugh” gesture. Nobody can explain that.
Fun Facts
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Crimson is one of several characters to change names and colors in development. In her case, she started off as Hazel.
Crimson, building off of the above, was originally conceived as a more straightforward “queen bee” as a foil to the significantly more affable Skye. Eventually “Hazel” was scrapped entirely due to being superfluous. Skye’s meanness was significantly downplayed later in development to emphasize her “cool girl” aspects more, necessitating Crimson’s return and redesign. Ironically, Crimson is not only slated to debut before Skye, but she inherited Skye’s distinct laugh. No concept art exists of Hazel, and her name was recycled for an unrelated character. 
Crimson’s surname is derived from “rhubarb”.
Crimson’s name and color code was used for the prototype designs of Sage, Mallow, and Fuchsia. Unlike the latter two, Sage’s hairdo was overhauled as her old one was used for Fuchsia. Mallow stands out since she kept her current color before briefly taking up the Crimson’s. Crimson herself notably lacks the goth/punk/biker aesthetic Sage/Mal/Fuchsia had.
Crimson is the only S1 character to wear earrings or heels.
Crimson was partially designed as a foil to Violet, both being tall, purplish, named after their colors, ponytailed with hair spikes in front, and fond of power suits. Fittingly, the two are set up as rivals, another thing she inherited from Skye.
Crimson’s entire ordeal in ICT will be basically a reverse villain arc.
Crimson literally does that hand gesture EVERY time she laughs.
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maddascanbe-blog · 10 months ago
Miraculous Redesign Index-
(Now with Kwami Swaps!) I'll update as the Redesigns happen
Marinette- Civilian & Ladybug, Lady Noire, Multimouse, Cosmo-Bug, Cute Doodles, Huli Jing, Honey Bee, Dragonfly (Dragonbug) and Lady Bee, Arion, Pegabug, Lady Luck (Pennybug), and Lapin Chanceux
Adrien- Civilian & Chat Noir, Mr. Bug, Aspik, Astro-Cat, Mr. Bug First Sketches, Cute Doodles, Viper Noir (Snake Noir)
Alya- Main Page, Cute Doodles
Nino- Main Page, Cute Doodles
Chloé- Main Page, Cute Doodles, Champion
Gabriel- Main Page, Shadow Moth
Nathalie- Main Page
Kagami- Main Page, First Sketches
Luka- Main Page, Little Luka
Lila- Main Page, Collette
Alix- Main Page, Little Bunnix First Sketches, Cani-girl
Juleka- Main Page, Little Juleka
Mylene- Main Page
Sabrina- Main Page
Rose- Main Page, Pigella First Sketches
Miracu-class Girls- Group Page
Miracuclass Boys- Group Page
Zoé- Main Page, Teen Zoé & Chloé, Little Zoé & Chloé, Little Vesperia Sketch, Teen Zoé Sketch, Kitty Noire, Cute Doodles,
Nathaniel- First Sketches
Rose- Main Page, Pigella First Sketches
Felix- Felix Civilian
Paris Special-
Emo/Alternate Marinette- Civilian & Shadybug, "Hero" Cocci, Shadybug Sketches, Cocci Sketches, Hell Cat
Emo/Alternate Adrien- Civilian & Claw Noir, "Hero" Wildcat, Claw Noir Sketches, Bloody Bug
Marinette- Ladyfly
Emo/Alternate Alya- Coccibella
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Miraculous: Magical Connections Miraculous Holder Redesigns Master Post
Note: Ladybug, Chat Noir, Monarque, and Paon Aimant's designs are with their civilian counterparts, whereas everyone else's is solo
The groups are broken up into: Miraculous Holders, Temp Holders (for Multimouse, Aspik, etc.) Unifications, and Non-Canon (like certain unifications components like Horse!Marinette)
There's also a link at the bottom for all of my civilian and akuma/sentimonster redesigns
Miraculous Holders:
Ladybug and Chat Noir
Monarque (Hawk Moth) and Paon Aimant (Mayura)
Coursière (Pegasus)
Lapin Opportun (Bunnyx)
Rena Enfumé (Rena Rouge)
Queen Bee
Arashi (Ryuko)
Temp Holders:
Māo (Lady Noire) and Crimson Beetle (Mister Bug)
Pegabug and Pegasus (Horse!Marinette)
Coniglio Noir (Rabbit Noir) and Coniglio (Rabbit!Adrien)
Hebi Tsukai (Aspik) and Hebi Noir (Snake Noir)
Multimouse, Hóng Hú (Fox!Marinette), Multibug, Multi Māo (Multicat), Multi Húlí (Multifox), and Lady Hú (Fox+Ladybug!Marinette)
Lapin Time (Rabbit!Marinette), Pegabun (Horse+Rabbit!Marinette), Lapin Bug (Chronobug), and Lady Pegabun (Pennybug)
Civilian Redesigns
Akuma/Sentimonster Redesigns
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dreamboundedstar · 2 years ago
I Just Threw All Logic Out of the Window for This Headcanon!
I can't believe it. I just figured out Zeke's likely stepmom and now I'm throwing it all away for a headcanon that's definitely never going to be canon simply because it's more fun. XD Okay, you know how Zeke loves giving people nicknames. Well, what if Cheryl is a nickname and not her official name? I also found out that the owner of the flower shop next to Jimmy Pesto's restaurant is named Charlotte. Cheryl can easily be a nickname for Charlotte. So because I want to capitalize on this character's name, regardless of how logical it is. Charlotte is Cheryl and blue blouse lady is Zeke's bio mom, redesigned from the Belchies one.
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Charlotte being Zeke's stepmom could add more reasons as to why he was passionate about the bees dying in "UFO No You Didn't" aside from the fact his grandma told the state of the bees.
It also has the potential to play into his view of weeds in "Bob Actually" when he pitched weeds are the right plant growing in the wrong place. Also, if she's the kind of person that can name her business "The Petalphile" I can see her as the person that has no issue marrying somebody decades older than her. lol There's still the issue most likely never seeing Charlotte around with a baby (as far as I know) since it's established that Cheryl recently gave birth to a baby in season 2. Charlotte is still very much a blank slate though and as long as she doesn't have any concrete bg details that can kill this headcanon, I can easily explain it away. We even had a chance to see Charlotte's house in "The Bleakening" but never did because they skipped over her after we saw Marshmellow. It also could add lore to how Zeke and JJ became friends. While Zeke's dad is busy flirting with Charlotte at the flower shop, Zeke could go over next door to Pesto's and hangs out with Jimmy Jr and thus becomes friends in and outside school.
Anyway, despite all the potential for this idea, I'm still aware it's very unlikely and prepared to eventually see it become impossible in canon. I love flowers and I just think the idea of Zeke having a florist stepmom that's next door to his best friend's dad's business could be a fun idea.
Anyway, until my train of thought crashes and explodes upon the wall of canon, this is the route I'm taking.
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cornerverse · 1 year ago
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One more of my girl because I had to do her Lady Luck appearance as well! Abeille my dear!
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icarusthelunarguard · 2 years ago
This Week’s Horrible-Scopes
It’s time for this week’s Horrible-Scopes! So for those of you that know your Astrological Signs, cool! If not, just pick one, roll a D12, or just make it up as you go along. It really doesn’t matter.
No matter what you think, we’re not here to judge you. Others might, but we won’t. To that end… You didn’t want to take down your… “Year-End Holiday Lights”, and that’s OK! But may we suggest you trade them out for those new-fangled color-programmable ones? Slave them to your Home Automation system and they’ll change with each new holiday’s theme with no direct input from you. Sadly we’ve already passed May 9th, which was Lost Sock Memorial Day. So add that to your holiday list for next year. 
Let’s face facts - you are never going to beat that Super Mario Brothers Arcade Game High Score anytime soon. Oh, you were good in your youth, and you could afford to buy an original 1983 coin-op cabinet to play on… but do you really think you can score over Five and-a-half Million Points to take the world record away? We don’t think so either. Save that $1,500 and take a vacation next month. 
Remember the cartoon series ReBoot? It was produced between 1994 and 2002. One of the opening lines was, “They say the User lives outside the Net and inputs games for pleasure.” Well guess what was released to the public in 2001 by Nintendo. That’s right… a Blue… Game… Cube! If Mainframe Entertainment had TradeMarked that term, they could’ve gotten some kind of marketing deal with Nintendo and had Money To Spare! (*Sigh*) This week, try to think way ahead.
Cancer Moon-Child 
There’s a specific set of dice that are used in table-top gaming: D4, D6, D8, D10, D12, and D20. They’re all some typical geometric shapes, but. There have been some weird ones that’ve come down the pike ever since. So yes, you can buy a D1, which is a form that ALWAYS lands on a specific side, and the D7 which is a Klingon Battleship. This week, remember that The Fourth will be with you, Always. 
You remember hearing how “Stayin’ Alive” by the Bee Gees is one of the best songs to use to time your CPR Compressions? It’s not the only one. You could use ABBA’s “Dancing Queen”, “I Will Survive” by Gloria Gaynor, “One Week” by the Barenaked Ladies, or, ironically enough, “Another One Bites the Dust” by Queen. But if you really want to screw with the person’s head as they come to, have everyone around you hum “The Imperial March” from Star Wars. That’ll scare them enough to wake them up without resorting to smelling salts. This week, listen to some old music again.
Speaking of Smelling Salts… Don’t use them! Sure, it’s kinda funny to use them as a prank to wake up your friends when they’ve fallen asleep first at a party, but don’t use them when playing sports. Yes, you can get a hit of oxygen into your blood due to more respiration, but you don’t need it. You’re an umpire… at a Pee-Wee T-Ball league. Just relax this week.
It’s five o’clock somewhere, so you might as well have a drink!  Come to think of it, have a lot of drinks, but make it a challenge; Run something through your Soda Stream that isn’t supposed to be. Something alcoholic. Better yet, you’re smart and innovative. The patent for the original “SodaStream”.. OH, sorry… the “aerating liquid machine” expired a long time ago. Go ahead and redesign it to work with liquors and make a killing in the Novelty Bar Drink market!  
Speaking of drinks, Scorpio; This week you’re going to visit an old house. Make sure you have an extra-bright flashlight with you because you’re going to find a bomb. Not a munition, but an old Hawaiian Punch tin can from the early 1980’s. It’ll look like a blue and red mis-shapen rugby ball. DO NOT TOUCH THIS UNHAPPY ABOMINATION! Just take a picture and walk away. Leave disarming that to the professionals.
You need to clean up your Whatnot Drawer in the kitchen, like it or not. First off, that bag of rubber bands? They’ve dried up and crumbled into chunks. The super glue hasn’t dried out yet, but it’s almost ready to spill all over the battery cases. And as for those, you have three locations where you’ve been storing batteries. Just condense it into one place. This week just… get your act together.
Sexy asked for, sexy delivered. We’re challenging you to buy the thinnest, tightest bikini possible for the summer. And before you ask, no! You’re not going to buy it from Wicked Weasle, the Barely There Bikini Shop, or Bitsy’s Bikinis. Head out to your local hardware store and get yourself a gallon of Benjamin Moore Latex, a 3-Inch natural-hair brush, and an understanding get-away driver for the beach. Good luck!
You get a sexy one too! You’ve been worried about your weight, and we’re going to tell you not to. A couple kilos isn’t gonna kill you, and it might even be fun. Some of your clothing’s gonna fit a little tighter, look a little smoother, and need you to reconsider sporting underwear to keep the lines unblemished. Now, remember, we said “a couple” kilos, meaning two; not three or four. You start making excuses and rationalizations and you might as well buy an emergency sewing repair kit. Actually, do that anyway.  
When everyone said, “May the Fourth be with you”, and you answered back, “- and also with you”... We get it. It’s OK. It’s like muscle memory now. You can stop being embarrassed about it now. Just take a breath and have a drink of wine to calm your nerves. But, you know… not that watered down stuff. Drink the GOOD stuff. Riunite… on ice. It’s So Nice! (Yes, it’s a hold over from last week’s commercial theme. It was tough coming up with one for you, alright?)
And THOSE are your Horrible-Scopes for this week! Remember if you liked what you got, we’re obviously not working hard enough at these. BUT! If you want a better or nastier one for your own sign or someone else’s, all you need to do to bribe me is just Let Me Know! These will be posted online at the end of each week via Tumblr, Twitter, Facebook and Discord.
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